Warmline Padres: 1-833-REACH-OR / 1-833-732-2467

Acuerdo del Foro de Discusión

Acuerdo del Foro de Discusión de Reach Out Oregon (ROO)


The ROO discussion forum is a separate part of the ROO site, and you must specifically agree to these terms to participate in it. Participation in the forum is entirely voluntary and at the participant’s discretion, and requires that participants agree to these terms.

Agreeing to these terms means you are agreeing to abide by the rules set for Reach Out Oregon (ROO) by Oregon Family Support Network Inc. (OFSN), and that you understand that ROO/OFSN has sole discretion to permit access to this discussion forum, and may, without notice, bar any participants who violate these rules or who, in the opinion of ROO/OFSN, have posted inappropriate content, content that might tend to discourage others from participating, or have otherwise acted in a way that ROO/OFSN deems detrimental to the forum, to ROO/OFSN, or to any other participant or person.

In addition, ROO/OFSN may revise these rules without advance notice and that, once ROO/OFSN posts a notice of changes to these rules, your further participation in the discussion forum is your unqualified acceptance and agreement to comply with the revised rules.

Participation Privilege Ground Rules

  1. Your ability to access the discussion forum is a limited, revocable license that serves as a permission for you to participate in the discussion forum in accordance with the terms of this agreement in this document. Your access privilege is a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited privilege to enter and use the discussion forum and creates no property rights.
  2. This discussion forum is part of the Reach Out Oregon site. Therefore, your ability to participate in this discussion forum also requires that you observe the terms of service for the Reach Out Oregon site, which are here (link), and all disclaimers in those terms of service apply here as well. ROO/OFSN has sole authority to resolve any actual or apparent conflicts between this agreement and the Reach Out Oregon terms of service.
  3. You must be at least 18 years old to participate in the discussion forum.
  4. You agree to refrain from interfering with or in any manner disrupting the discussion forum and to post only original (non-copyright) text of your own creation that does not slander, attack, degrade, belittle or slur any person or group.
  5. You agree that ROO/OFSN has the absolute right to remove any posts you make that ROO/OFSN, in its sole discretion, deems inappropriate to the discussion forum, and that, if you fail to respond constructively to any cautions or warnings concerning your posts, ROO/OFSN may bar your access to the discussion forum without advance notice to you or right to appeal the denial of access.
  6. You agree that ROO/OFSN may delete or take down any submission and disable access or take other actions against any account, at any time, for any reason.
  7. You agree to hold ROO/OFSN harmless for any injury or distress you suffer as a result of any post or comment on this discussion forum and that ROO/OFSN shall have no liability whatsoever for any posting made or for the failure to remove any posting. You agree that you and not ROO/OFSN are fully responsible for the content of anything you post in the discussion forum, and that you will indemnify, defend and hold harmless ROO/OFSN, its subsidiaries, and affiliates for all third-party claims or expenses arising out of or related to anything you post.
  8. Your participation in the ROO/OFSN discussion forum indicates you agree to these Participation Privilege Groundrules and that you agree to only post content in accordance with the forum content guidelines below.

Forum Content Guidelines

  1. Posts and comments made on the discussion forum are solely the views of the authors and are not necessarily those of Reach Out Oregon or Oregon Family Support Network, Inc.
  2. Reach Out Oregon (ROO) and Oregon Family Support Network, Inc. (OFSN) have absolute discretion to delete some or all of any posts or comments made to the discussion forum. As resources allow, ROO and OFSN may review posts and comments that are flagged as inappropriate. However, ROO/OFSN offer no warranties that flagged posts will be removed.
  3. Reach Out Oregon provides no formal product support for the discussion forum. Any information from Reach Out Oregon or ROO/OFSN employees is provided on an “as-is” basis and without warranties of any kind.
  4. The discussion forum may use “cookies” and other technologies to track user activity within the discussion forum. Reach Out Oregon’s use of this tracking information will conform to Reach Out Oregon’s Privacy Policy (click to review).

Posting content to the discussion forum

  1. Stay on topic. This discussion forum is offered to help people use Reach Out Oregon’s products and technologies more effectively. Therefore, unless otherwise noted, do not add submissions about other topics. Stay within the subject for the discussion category identified on the discussion forum site.
  2. Be polite and lawful. Only post content and comments you would be proud to have associated with your true name by people whose respect you seek. Post nothing that is libelous, defamatory, indecent, harmful, harassing, intimidating, threatening, hateful, objectionable, discriminatory, abusive, vulgar, obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or offensive in a sexual, racial, cultural, or ethnic context.
  3. No polls, petitions, or spam. This is a non-commercial discussion forum for a limited purpose. Therefore, do not post polls, petitions, or any links to or ads for any commercial products or services. Do not include any such links in your signature used in the discussion forum.
  4. Disclose Any Compensation. You should generally avoid posting links to other sites as they tend to detract from the purpose of a discussion forum. However, if you do post a URL because you feel it directly responds to or answers another forum participant’s question or concern, you must disclose if you receive any compensation, either from posting the link or from any purchases through the site you posted. For example you should disclose that “I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link” when that is the case.
  5. Be original. Submit only your own original messages or ideas, which relate to raising children experiencing significant mental health challenges.
  6. Respect and Protect Confidentiality. When referring to a child, use only that child’s first initial or a pseudonym initial (such as S for a son, D for a daughter, etc.). Never post anything with child/youth’s actual name or personally identifiable information

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