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Medical Discrimination and Ableism

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    I would really like to stop collecting stories about my son being discriminated against in Medical Settings, but I think that would require some in depth anti-ableism trainings to happen. I cannot count how many times I’ve had to call patient satisfaction lines to report that medical staff were not capable of presuming competence, no matter how many times I ask them to include him in the conversation, no matter how many times I tell them that my son can understand everything they are saying and deserves to be treated as such. I am spearheading an effort to create a training and am wondering if any other families might want to join me, or share insight and ideas based off of their own experiences to help get a better idea as to what all should be included in the training?


    I would love to join and help you in any way needed. I haven’t really fought this too much as I think of it because the stuff I have faced was the battles to even get my kiddo to be in a appointment even if at all was a battle, once he seen those white coats, it was nope.. we are not staying here!
    Much of the stuff my kiddo and I have faced was micro aggressions and racial discrimination in medical settings. One nurse who was unable to help get my kiddo prepped in a dental office and was reliant on me to calm him. She asked,” So does your kiddo have downs? is that his problem???” After that I said,” thank you.. we are going to reschedule,” and never went back. As in being Native American, she implicated that I caused his behavioral issues with drinking with him in utero. I made the call to complain and I received no response back or apologies for the way she conducted herself. We have faced several incidences of this and this one is one that sticks out like it was yesterday.
    The stuff my kiddo and I have faced was more along the lines of the proper channels of training in understanding and assisting families with special needs and Identifying that quality of care might look a little differently than handling a neurotypical individual. I think that with what you are saying, is totally something that aligns with the struggles because it’s quality of care and treating the individual without bypassing.
    I am sorry you go through that and your young person faces that on a regular basis. It’s not right. That is what I always love about you! you always acknowledged Aj knowing he can hear you, he already adores you and ROO team because he’s listening and like these ladies “get it”

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