Parent Warmline: 1-833-REACH-OR / 1-833-732-2467


Benton, Lane, Lincoln, Linn

Welcome to our online community of services and support!


Oregon Family Support Network wants to connect you to our partners and resources that can provide information or additional services and support for you and your family.  The intersectionality of care systems can be a maze at times, and we are here to support you through that journey. Reach Out Oregon has compiled a list of county and community specific resources that can assist you in finding the help you are looking for.

If you need additional information, please call Reach Out Oregon at 1-833-REACH-OR (1-833-732-2467). Or you can email us at [email protected]

Behavioral/Mental Health Services


Counseling for depression, anxiety, anger, attention and focusing challenges, for family stress, and referrals for substance abuse. for 4J students age 19 and under. They offer medical care through PeaceHealth and mental health care through Lane County Behavioral Health.

Churchill Location:
1850 Bailey Hill
Eugene, OR 97405

North Eugene Location:
200 Silver Lane
Eugene, OR 97404


Benton County – A Community Integrated Service Team (ACIST)

ACIST is the Youth and Family Behavioral Health team for Benton County. ACIST staff provide mental health and substance use counseling and treatment. ACIST works with the entire family to help them make positive, healthy changes. We work as a team with community partners to help at-risk youth live with their families and stay in their community.

530 NW 27th St.
Corvallis, OR 97330
Crisis (888)232-7192 


Benton County Mental Health Program

(541) 766-6835


The Child Center

The Child Center is a non-profit human services agency that has been offering a continuum of psychiatric, therapeutic and special education programs throughout Lane County since 1971 and in Central Oregon since 2011.We now accept both Trillium and PacificSource health plans!

3995 Marcola Rd
Springfield, OR 97477
(541) 726-1465


Center For Community Counseling

Counseling, support groups, classes. Mindful Parenting Group. Men’s group, Grandparent’s group, anger management for parents (free childcare may be available).

1465 Coburg Rd.
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 344-0620


Center For Family Development

Walk-in assessment, child therapy, behavioral support, groups and classes for depression, yoga, pain management, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).

261 E 12th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97401


Centro Latino Americano

Counseling in Spanish, youth groups, mentors, age 7-16. Addiction support for adults/teens, social service navigation.

944 W 5th Ave.
Eugene, OR 97402
(541) 687-2667


Confederated Tribes Of Siletz Indians

Siletz Tribal members in Tribe’s 11 county area can access health care, education, housing & employment.

201 SE Swan Ave.
Siletz, OR 97380
(541) 444-2532


Corvallis Daytime Drop-in Center

Facility for low income community members coping with mental illness or homelessness.
Open 9am-2pm, Monday through Friday. Summer hours 9am-12pm June, July and August.

530 SW 4th Street
Corvallis, Oregon 97330
(541) 740-3235


Department Of Human Services (DHS)

DHS child welfare offices offer assistance with adoption, foster care, foster parents and relative caregivers, child abuse and neglect, independent living, self-sufficiency, food stamps.

4170 SW Research Way, Suite 100
Corvallis, OR 97333
(541) 757-4201


Lane County Behavioral Health- Child And Adolescent Behavioral Health Services

To promote and protect the health and well-being of children, adolescents and families in Lane County, while providing access to high quality, culturally competent, integrated and coordinated Mental Health Services. 

Lane County Behavioral Health
2411 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Eugene OR 97401
(541) 682-7253
Screening (541) 682-1915

Lincoln County- Mental Health Services

Child and Family, Newport  (541) 265-4179
Adult Mental Health, Newport  (541) 574-5960
Child, Family and Adult Mental Health, Lincoln City  (541) 265-4196


Linn County Health Dept. Mental Health Division

Monday-Friday 8:30am – 5pm

445 SW 3rd Ave.
Albany, OR 97321
(541) 967-3866


Looking Glass Community Services

We offer a wide range of services aimed toward solving challenges related to educational deficits, behavioral health issues, drug addiction, and homelessness. 

Youth Hotline (541) 689-3111


National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI)

We are a statewide grassroots organization that is dedicated to improving the quality of life for individuals living with mental illness, as well as their families and loved ones.

(503) 230-8009


Olalla Center For Families And Children

Serves children with behavioral and/or emotional challenges and their families. Psychiatric day treatment, treatment for youth in a therapeutic setting, outpatient service, specialized day care. Operated by a team of professional staff, including psychiatrists, therapists, behavioral specialists, and skills trainers offering alternative approaches to children’s mental health.

321 SE 3rd St.
Toledo, OR
(541) 336-2254


Outreach and Drop-in center

Drop-In / Runaway / Homeless youth counseling.

960 Queen Ave. SW
Albany, OR 97321


Crisis Services

Lines For Life

(800) 273-8255
Text 273-8255 To 839863


Child Crisis Response Program

Staffed By The Child Center, Jasper Mountain, And Looking Glass

(888) 989-9990 24/7


Looking Glass Community Services

Youth Hotline (541) 689-3111


White Bird Clinic

After Hours – 541.687.4000


Benton County Crisis Line

(888) 232-7192

Lane County Crisis Line

(541) 682-3608

Lincoln County Crisis Line

(888) 232-7192 (24 Hours)

Linn County Crisis Line

(541) 967-3866
(800) 304-7468

Legal Services 

Oregon Kinship Navigator

Oregon Kinship Navigator (OKN) is a statewide resource and referral service for grandparents raising grandchildren and other relative caregivers. Whether you need legal help, access to services, or to find support for you and your family, OKN was created to help you find answers!


Modest Means Program- Oregon State Bar

Oregon lawyers created the Modest Means Program to help moderate-income Oregonians find affordable legal assistance. Eligibility for the program is based upon type of legal matter, applicant income and assets, and availability of participating lawyers. If you qualify for the program, the Modest Means lawyer will charge you a reduced rate for any additional legal work provided to you beyond the initial consultation.


Addictions Recovery/Treatment Services

Benton County – A Community Integrated Service Team (ACIST)

ACIST is the Youth and Family Behavioral Health team for Benton County. ACIST staff provide mental health and substance use counseling and treatment. ACIST works with the entire family to help them make positive, healthy changes. We work as a team with community partners to help at-risk youth live with their families and stay in their community.

530 NW 27th St.
Corvallis, OR 97330
Crisis (888)232-7192


Linn County Adolescent Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Program

Linn County Adolescent Outpatient Alcohol and Drug Program is a community-based outpatient facility with a team of professionals dedicated to helping youth and their families find healing, recovery and hope from substance abuse and mental health disorders.

Albany – (541) 967-3819
Lebanon – 9541) 451-5932
Sweet Home – 9541) 367-3888
Corvallis- (541) 967-3819


Looking Glass Community Services

We offer a wide range of services aimed toward solving challenges related to educational deficits, behavioral health issues, drug addiction, and homelessness.

Youth Hotline (541) 689-3111


Disability Services

Community Developmental Disabilities Program (CDDP)

State Of Oregon- Intellectual And Developmental Disabilities CDDP Listings. Find services near you.


Fact Oregon

FACT empowers Oregon families experiencing disability in their pursuit of a whole life by expanding awareness, growing community, and equipping families.

2475 SE Ladd Ave., Suite 430
Portland, OR 97214
503.786.6082 or 888.988.3228


Oregon Family To Family Health Information Center

The Oregon Family to Family Health Information Center supports families and caregivers of children with special health needs to navigate the complex health care systems. Staffed entirely by parents of children and youth with a variety of health conditions, we provide free one-to-one support, training, and printed materials to families and the professionals who serve them. This website houses hundreds of resources for parents, grandparents, teens, and young adults.

707 SW Gaines Street
Portland, OR 97239
PHONE: 855.323.6744


Support Groups (Non-OFSN)

Corvallis Family Support Group

Meets twice monthly, on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Drop in, no registration required, free to all! Meetings begin at 7pm.

Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
3600 NW Samaritan Drive
Corvallis, OR 97330


Family To Family Class

10-week course for family caregivers of individuals with severe mental illness. Call for details.



NAMI Family Support Group

For family members, loved ones, friends of someone living with a mental illness.



NAMI LBGTQIA + Peer Support Group

Lane County Behavioral Health
2411 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, RM 208
Eugene, OR 97401
Thursdays – 6-7:30pm


NAMI Mindfulness Group

Free, no registration.Thursdays – 4-5pm

2411 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401

Call Marty Parrill, facilitator, for more information
[email protected]


NAMI Peer Connections

Peer support group for LGBTQIA+ community 18 and over who live with mental health concerns. Thursdays, 6-7:30pm

2411 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd. RM 208
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 343-7688


NAMI Survivors Of Suicide Group

Wednesdays 6-7:30pm, in the NAMI Resource Center

Lane County Behavioral Health
2411 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.
Eugene, OR 97401
(541) 343-7688


FACT (Family and Community Together)

Parent Support groups, parenting skills classes

701 SE 19th St.
Albany, OR 97322
(541) 924-3720


Nami Corvallis Family Support Group

Meets twice monthly on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Registration is required.Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center

3600 NW Samaritan Dr., 4th Floor Board Conference room
Corvallis, OR 97330
(541) 745-2064


Kaiser Gender Pathways Clinic- Parent Guardian Support Group

Come and meet with other parents of trans/non-binary/gender-expansive kids in a group facilitated by a GPC social worker! Bring your questions, your struggles, and your victories!
When: The 1 st and 3 rd Mondays of the month, 5:30 – 7:00 PM
How: Virtual meeting through Microsoft Teams
Cost: No charge, but registration is required.
To register, contact Lisa Smith, LCSW

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